Remember to celebrate safely – Reminders from Captain Adcock

Published 6:00 am Monday, July 3, 2023

Local towns and communities prepare to celebrate Independence Day with fireworks displays and other festivities. Captain Mason Adcock with the Luverne Police Department urges citizens to observe safe practices for a safe and happy holiday. 

  • There is usually a large turn out so expect heavy traffic in town that evening; 
  • Make sure to give yourself extra time and please be patient; 
  • The City of Luverne has an ordinance against use of fireworks within the city limit. There is a fine and court cost associated with violation of this ordinance; 
  • If you are in an area where it is legal and plan to celebrate with fireworks keep in mind they should be used/supervised by an adult; 
  • Be mindful of fire hazards; 
  • Alcohol/drugs and fireworks don’t mix; and
  • If you plan to consume alcohol, have a designated driver. 

Have a safe and enjoyable holiday!

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