TL Washington serves Crenshaw County

Published 10:54 am Thursday, October 5, 2023

Members of the Crenshaw County community have been served by TL Washington during his tenure at the Crenshaw Community Hospital since 1989 and the Luverne Rescue Squad since 2004.

Washington said his path to a career in emergency response began as he followed in his brother’s footsteps by working as an Emergency Room Technician (EMT) at the Crenshaw County Hospital.

“My brother worked at the hospital and when I got out of high school I put in an application to go work with him,” Washington said. “The hospital had an ambulance service that David Coggins started, and then I took it over until 2004 when Baptist took over the hospital and discontinued the ambulance service.”

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This setback didn’t hinder Washington from pursing what had become a passion for helping others through emergency medical response over the years. Shortly after the loss of the ambulance service, Washington began working for Luverne Rescue Squad as an ambulance driver in addition to his duties at the hospital. 

While he truly enjoys and loves his job, Washington said arriving on the scene of an accident involving  children tugs at his heart strings more than any other scenario.

Washington explained that the most rewarding part of his role as an ambulance driver is also his favorite part of the job.

“Taking care of people and being able to get them to the hospital safely means a lot to me,” Washington said. “Being able to take care of people is what I truly enjoy.”

Emergency Medical Technician Sarah Smith said the Luverne Rescue Squad is right where Washington belongs and that he is an asset to Crenshaw County residents.

“He is so kind and caring for anyone he comes across,” Smith said. “He always has a smile on his face. I’m proud to be able to stand alongside him.”

After over 34 years of working in emergency medical response, Washington said that his chosen career is where his calling lies, and he has no intentions of stopping any time soon.