Letter to the Editor

Published 4:08 pm Tuesday, October 1, 2024

The following initiative is urgently needed for passage that will be this nation’s law of the land.

Due to the ongoing shootings at schools and other places, it is high time for all the citizens of this nation to come together to stop such. It can be done and will be done with the support of the needed legislation enacted and enforced. I am offering this proposal personally (as a loner) to all the citizens that can know about it.

First off, all forms of firearms, including hunting items, all forms of ammunition should be barred from anyone to purchase before an extensive background check has been made on that person. Should there be any sort of mark of violation found — having been arrested, other than for a minor traffic incident, having spent time in jail/prison — be banned forever from obtaining such items. Anyone found guilty of providing means needed to pass such items on to someone that has been barred from such should be charged with conspiracy to commit crime.

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Nowhere in the Constitution can anything be found that will disallow this being done. So if you want to see a safer place for our schools, then we must make the required moves that will be in the right direction needed to accomplish this.

If you can agree to this, then your involvement will be very well spent.

Also, School property can be adequately secured by the use of properly trained watch (guard) dogs, metal detectors, cameras, monitors or robots. America repent and bless God.

Respectfully submitted,

Jack D. Pollard