October County Commission meeting notes
Chairman Charlie Sankey was not in attendance.
Previous meeting minutes were approved.
The Crenshaw County Sheriff Terry Mears told the commission that his office has hired two new deputies, Thomas Strickland and Jordan Arrighi.
Strickland recently returned from working security service in Afghanistan and 15 years’ experience. Arrighi has seven years’ experience and previously worked for the Crenshaw County Sheriff’s Office. Both the new hires are SWAT certified and reside within Crenshaw County.
Mears expressed his thanks to the commission for the ARPA money which allowed the deputies to receive a temporary pay increase over the next three years.
Mears requested Strickland to be hired at $15 an hour and Arrighi at $14 an hour which is higher than the $12.84 starting pay. The commission approved the increased pay.
The Sheriff’s Department is still one deputy short.
Benjie Sanders with the Road Department report:
Sanders requested a motion to be made on vacating the right away for two tenths of a mile near Hawkins road in Searight.
“Our unwritten procedure is that we like to get a petition from all the adjoining land owners before we initiate the procedure because it is a good bit of work and there is a cost involved,” Sanders said. “We have to send certified letters to all the land owners and contact all the utilities. It has to be advertised for four consecutive weeks. So, our policy has always been we try to get a petition signed by land owners and then the commission typically just approves the motion giving me permission to start the process.”
The commission approved the motion to start the process per Sanders request.
Sanders also reported the sale of two 2016 F-150’s were sold $23,701 and $21,008. A 2006 dodge $3,075. They were able to recovered almost a third of the money spent on the new pickups.
On the Agenda:
Renewal of the worker’s comp longevity program to continue through 2024. Motion was carried to continue the agreement through the year 2024.
Sales Tax Holiday- The commission vetoed the option of beginning participation in the sales tax holiday since the county already participates in the back to school tax holiday.
Financial clerk position that has been hired needed motion by the board.
Redistricting change to Commissioner McGough’s section moving the line around County Road 50. The commission approved to present the map for the change to District 1 and District 2.
The meeting will be held on Nov. 22, 2021 at 6 p.m. in the Commission Chambers at the Crenshaw County Courthouse for the purposing of redistricting Crenshaw County Commission Districts. A copy of the current proposed District maps with all the attachments and supporting documentation is available for public inspection in the office of the Administrator of the County Commission during regular business hours 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Troy Cable has sold to C spire, as of right now that will not have any effect on Crenshaw County according to the cable company.
Mrs. Francis Smith of Luverne turns 100 Nov 4, a party was held Oct 30th, and a resolution was approved to present to Smith.
Commissioner Merrill Sport made a motion for Chairman Sankey to sponsor and support the filling for a grant on behalf of the hospital to build a COVID testing facility. The grand is for $500,000 and the county commission would match a maximum of $150,000. The grant money is money that has been made available to prevent, prepare, and aid in infectious disease control (COVID).